FY2024 Scripture
Subject: “Seeing the light of hope”

Theme: “They don't have to leave” answered Jesus.
“You yourselves give them something to eat!”
Matthew 14:16
Sub-Theme: What can I do?

Matthew 5:6
Scripture of March: Treat them as you would an Israelite,
and lave them as ypu love yourselves.
Remember that you were once foreigneres in the land of Egypt.
I am LOAD your God.
Leviticus 19:34

We Nishinasuno Church, is unique and homely church.
Anyone who would like to read the Bible, learn more about Christianity,
or attend services in English or Korean is welcome to come.

Latest divine service:
Title: ”道を準備させよう“ Movie
Others are in “Messages
Next divine service:
受難節第4主日 ヨハネによる福音書1章29~31節『見よ、神の小羊』
Other schedules are in“今後の集会予定

Peace for Ukraine
1-232-438, Tayuzuka, Nasushiobara-shi, Tochigi, 329-2735, Japan
TEL:0287(36)4820 FAX:0287(36)5047